There are several tools that can help you select the programme that corresponds to your level and area of studies in French higher education. In particular the Campus France online catalogues.
Taking a programme in English in France
To find out which programmes are given in English, check the catalogue Programs Taught in English.

It lists nearly 1500 programmes that are wholly or partially taught in English and that you can take in a French institute of higher education.
Finding a Bachelor's level programme
If you are looking for a Bachelor's level programme, check the catalogue of Bachelor's programmes (updated in January, March and October).

You can study towards several degrees until the Bachelor's level (1st-year undergraduate, 2nd-year undergraduate or 3rd-year undergraduate):
- The DU (Diplôme d’Université - University Degree) is awarded after one year of studies and certifies 60 ECTS credits.
- The BTS (Brevet de Technicien Supérieur - 2-year technical degree), CPGE (Classes Préparatoires aux Grandes Ecoles - Preparatory Classes for the Grandes Ecoles) and DMA (Diplôme des Métiers d’Art - Arts & Crafts Degree) are equivalent to two years of studies at the Bachelor's level and certify 120 ECTS credits.
- The licences, licences professionnelles, Bachelor's, DNA (Diplôme National d’Art Arts Degree) and DEEA (diplôme d’études en architecture architecture degree) are equivalent to a threeyear bachelor's and certify 180 ECTS credits.
Finding a Master's level programme
To find a programme at the Master's level, the Campus France Master's catalogue (updated in January, March and October) can help you.

You can study towards several degrees at a Master's level (graduate level):
- The engineering degrees, MiM (Master in Management), MSc (Master of Science), DNSEP (Diplôme National Supérieur d’Expression Plastique - Higher National Degree in Visual Expression) and State architecture degrees certifying five years of studies, for a level equivalent to a Master's, and certifying 300 ECTS credits.
- The specialist Masters (Grandes Ecoles) and the MBA (Master of Business Administration) are equivalent to one year of post-master's specialisation, for a sixth year of studies.

You can also choose an Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree (EMJMD). Have a look at the online catalogue of programs that will offer a UE-sponsored scholarship.
An Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree (EMJMD), is a prestigious international study programme, jointly delivered by an international consortium of higher education institutions. EMJMDs award EU-funded scholarships to the best student candidates applying under annual selection rounds.
Finding a Doctoral level programme
To find where to do a Doctorate, check our "Research" portal. It lists the Doctoral schools and has a number of Doctoral programmes, Master's and Post-Doctorate internships.

In general, a Doctorate is prepared in a Doctoral school which is attached to a university. More and more engineering and some management Grandes Ecoles also confer Doctorates, in association with a Doctoral school. Check our article on how the Doctorate works in France to find out more.
Finding an arts programme
If you would like to enrol in a programme in the arts, you can check the CampusArt catalogue.

It lists all arts training for FLE (French as a foreign language) + Art preparatory classes, Bachelor's, Master's, post-master's or Doctorate offered by institutes that are members of the CampusArt network.
Doing a cultural or language stay or a short programme
To do a cultural and language stay or take a short programme, check the catalogue of short programmes and summer schools.

It is available in three languages (English, French and Spanish), and offers more than 150 sport and cultural activities. A search engine and interactive map of France will help you make your choice according to your level of French or field of study.
Se former en ligne ou à distance
MOOC (Massive Online Open Courses), SPOC (Small Private Open Courses), FOAD (Formation Ouvertes A Distance - remote open training)... there are many ways for you to take online and correspondence programme from home. Consultez notre article pour en savoir plus.
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