The French president announces three new measures to support students

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During his visit to the campus of the University of Paris-Saclay, French President Emmanuel Macron announced new measures to support all students during the health crisis.

French president Emmanuel Macron visited the campus of the University of Paris-Saclay on Thursday 21 January 2021 to meet students. He announced three new concrete measures to help all students face the Covid-19 crisis.


Two meals a day at 1 euro

All students, including international students, can enjoy two meals per day at 1 euro in the university restaurants. This mechanism, which has so far been available to students on scholarships, is therefore being extended to all students who need it. You just need an active Izly account. A take-away option is available at university restaurants. A list of open salespoints (over 400 so far) is available on each CROUS website. 


Check out more about meals at 1 euro for students


Back to university

Students will be able to return to the university one day a week. Face-to-face teaching will therefore resume soon. The higher education institutions are working to organise this partial return of students in strict compliance with health protocols.


Psychological support

A cheque for psychological support for students will be created. This measure will facilitate access to care for students with psychological difficulties. 



Reviewing exchanges with students on the Paris-Saclay campus

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These new measures complement the student aid system set up by France, which includes: 

  • Reinforcement of specific, one-off emergency assistance 
  • The rent freeze in university residences  
  • Extension of doctoral contracts
  • University tuition fees freeze


Follow the main steps to come study in France

Published on: 25/01/2021 à 11:08
Updated : 03/02/2021 à 12:27